

Browse our sermons below. You can also find a list of our sermon series here, or a list of preachers here.

Where Justice and Mercy Kiss
John Bouwers
Romans 3:19-26
Spirit Empowered for Witness by Christ!
John Bouwers
Acts 2:1-14
What Do You Think of the Christ?
John Bouwers
Matthew 16:13-28
God Tests the Faith of His Friend
John Bouwers
Genesis 22:1-19
Jesus: A Real Man, Our Real Saviour
John Bouwers
Hebrews 2
Pilgrim's Peace and Praise
John Bouwers
Genesis 21:22-34
Open Your Mouth!
John Bouwers
Psalm 81
What Do You Do With God's Promise?
John Bouwers
Genesis 21:1-21
The Lord's Encouragement for a Discouraged Prophet
Rev. Jeremy Veldman
1 Kings 19
Jesus, The Good Shepherd
Ernie Langendoen
John 10:1-10
God Comes to Seek and to Save
John Bouwers
Genesis 3:1-21; Luke 19:1-10
Laughing with the Promises
John Bouwers
Genesis 21:1-7
Where Does Faith Come From?
John Bouwers
1 Corinthians 1:10-2:15
Remember Who You Are: The Lord Restores His Fearful Prophet
John Bouwers
Genesis 20
Christ's Cause: Suffering, Resurrection, Proclamation
John Bouwers
Luke 24:33-53
Christ's Communion: Known in the Breaking of the Bread!
John Bouwers
Luke 24:13-35
Christ Challenged: Save Yourself
John Bouwers
Luke 23:26-49
Christ's Call: "Follow Me!"
John Bouwers
Luke 9:51-62
Knowing God's Forgiving Grace
Rev. Gerrit Bruintjes
Luke 7:36-50
The Gospel According to Moses
Rev. Paul Murphy
Genesis 38
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